This version includes speed limits in the display.
... max. speed allowed (track speed, train speed)
Watch timetable and speed signs along the line - in this case cannot be more than 150 mph
2. Note the two speeds listed -
Reduce to the upper one on the display (125 mph) as quickly as possible -
and in any case,
do NOT exceed the one at the bottom of the display (150 mph)
Reduce speed
... (in this case to 80 mph) - still not exceding 125 mph
Reduce speed to 45 mph or less as quickly as possible -
and do not exceed 80 mph
Reduce speed to 30 mph or less as quickly as possible -
and do not exceed 80 mph
Reduce speed to 30 mph or less as quickly as possible -
Here the speed limit is already effective: do not exceed 30 mph!
Expect "Restricted" at next signal -
and then "Stop"
Reduce speed to 20 mph or less -
be prepared to stop
Absolute Stop
Note the speed below the lights is at zero
1. You do NOT need to acknowledge external signals as you pass them.
2. This is because you have to acknowledge all changes to the speed (even when permitting a faster speed), and also the next signal indication in the mimic on the panel.
3. This allows ignoring of external speed changes, and the use of the EOT (End of Train) button.
4. They are all covered by the changes seen in the mimic on the panel.
5. As soon as track speed drops to 75mph (or whatever the ATC speed is set to in the track file) or below, the ATC will cut out at the next signal. No action is required by the driver because the ATC is disabled, and an acknowledgement will "fall upon deaf ears".
6. On its increase above 75mph again, the ATC will cut back in at the following signal. This needs to be acknowledged by the driver.