Reversing the Route
Once a tunnel or overbridge is placed, it is usually too late to remove the problem to do a reversal.
This bug manifests itself in two ways...
Outward route construction:
Construct the route fully and drive along it to your satisfaction, then save the file(s) to a backup set of directories which are all "no tunnels backups". My personal preference is to create a number of "work in progress" directories on a route, because when the line is absolutely finished, you can safely delete them; until then it is too easy to muck up the design, and building on from a recent backup is a great time saver. Now if the route is otherwise finished, you are ready to do your route reversal.
Reversing the Route - what is involved:
How to Reverse
Using Reverse for creating intermediate starting points
Assume we have a route like this...
Reverse it, so you have D to A
Copy D to A as a new route; then you can remove A as the "end station" making it B instead.
Then reverse it, and you have B to D - which cannot be created any other way.
THis scheme can also be used to create a diverging route, for example B to C and taking a side track to another locality, perhaps X. You would remove end station D and rework the line to suit the road to X, inserting X as an end station...
The various combinations are without limit...but only if you have not yet placed any tunnels or overbridges.
By way of explanation, this is how all 26 of the South Australian current variations of the "Main South Line" were constructed, plus the as yet unfinished Victor Harbour and Mount Pleasant branches. The first track was from Tailem Bend to Adelaide, copied to new files with new end stations at Dry Creek, Keswick, Mile End. These were each reversed, and the routes shortened to Adelaide - Belair, Adelaide - Bridgwater, Adelaide - Murray Bridge. In turn, they were reversed to give the return journeys. Each time, signals and other features had to be added back. This is where a set of hand-written notes becomes invaluable.
Tunnels (and Bridges over the railway):
One portal only is used for an over-bridge. Even if it is a very wide road, like a six-lane highway on two seperate carriageways, use only one tunnel section - don't be tempted to add a second. The reason for this is because two or more tunnel lengths will force a height of much more than the default 4 units - which will look ridiculous on a road over-bridge. Actually, very few highways would ever be wider than one increment of editor position (165 feet)... here is the arithmetic... At a nominal 15 feet per lane width, 165 feet works out at 4 lanes plus a breakdown lane in each direction, plus a 20 ft grassed shoulder on each outside edge, and a central "median strip" reservation between the carriageways 35 feet across! So, we keep more than one tunnel segment for real tunnels. As mentioned before, an automatic signal would normally be placed outside a tunnel mouth on the approach side. There is a good reason for this. If the signal is not cleared, the train does not have to remain inside the tunnel waiting. Not only can it be claustrophobic for passengers, but exhaust gases will build up - in the case of steam locomotives open to the weather this could cause crew asphixiation quite quickly. In the case of diesel powered trains, carbon monoxide poisoning could seep into crew compartments and through the air conditioning systems in cab and passenger accomodation.
It can also cause overheating problems and oxygen starvation in the locomotive(s) Actually General Motors were forced into designing a tunnel variation of the SD40 locomotive with its cooling radiators moved from the roof and re-located down the sides of the carbody similar to their export model GT26C to overcome cooling system overheating from long hauls through the Rocky Mountains. So, now you know... Remember also that signals placed inside tunnels are all of the dwarf variety, and the one on the left-hand track will be at ground level. However, depending on the length of the tunnel and the block lengths being used on the railway, a tunnel even a mile long will probably not need a signal placed inside it.
Now is the time to consider your next one...
geography - gradients - curves - features - speeds - reversing the route |
last updated on 2nd April 2001